Monday, April 5, 2010

free virtual hairstyles

Virtual hairstyle software are programs that enable a user to try on different hairstyles without actually altering their physical hair. Usually hairstyle software is found online, and feature an extensive gallery of popular hairstyles. The user takes a head shot photo and uploads it, and then selects styles to try. It is similar to wigs, but can be done from the comfort of one's home, with a few clicks of the mouse.

1. The benefits of virtual hairstyles are varied. A user can view a different style without making a commitment to wearing it. This is easily useful for experimenting with extreme haircuts, or hair colors. Another benefit to virtual hairstyles is the ability to compare different looks to find which works best.
2. A hairstyle expresses character and personality. Virtual hairstyles show a user how to express a specific trait through hair. Although at times it appears computer generated, virtual hairstyles are always an interesting conversation piece and a tool to use when achieving a certain look.
3. Virtual hairstyles can be either provided as a free service, or by subscription. Virtual hairstyles are usually offered online, however many companies ofter software for sell that users can access without the internet. Online, Marie Clair, Good Housekeeping, and Instyle offer free virtual hairstyle services.
4. Virtual hairstyles offer the opportunity to share the results with others through email. This makes it easy to solicit advice about a specific hairstyle, or haircut, from friends. Virtual hairstyle software are print-enabled, also. This makes it possible to print out the image of the hairstyle and give to one's hair stylist to serve as a guide.
5. Virtual hairstyles software come with a wide variety of hair color, shape, and cut. The galleries usually include straight and curly hair, up-dos, special events, and celebrity looks. An added feature is the ability to add makeup to a photo, enhancing the look of the photo.

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